Trusts: Roles and Types

Trusts: Roles and Types

Trusts are estate planning documents that hold any assets transferred to them for later distribution. Trusts differ from wills, which only outline one’s wishes for asset distribution and do not themselves hold assets. A trust can avoid probate if properly made to do...
Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and How They Work

Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) and How They Work

ETFs are widely used investment vehicles to invest in many securities at once. They trade as easily as stocks on the market during the day, making them relatively efficient, liquid and versatile investments. Financial advisors can help clients select ETFs that align...
Corporate and Business Accounts

Corporate and Business Accounts

It can be exciting to start a new business or begin investing with an existing company. A financial advisor can help guide business owners through investing in securities and managing cash for long-term needs. Small Businesses Small shops are often sole...
Roth IRA Contributions

Roth IRA Contributions

Roth IRAs allow income-earners to save after-tax dollars for retirement and make qualified withdrawals tax-free. Understanding how to properly contribute affects taxes. Contributions The 2024 IRA contribution limit is the lesser of one’s total earned income or $7,000,...
Roth IRA Withdrawals

Roth IRA Withdrawals

Roth IRAs can allow people with earned income to grow their retirement savings tax-free. Financial advisors can help investors navigate the demands of a Roth IRA. Withdrawals Withdrawing from a Roth IRA looks substantially different than withdrawing from a traditional...
Securities Law

Securities Law

Investing is both exciting and daunting for new and experienced investors. Behind the scenes, they are protected by the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and the Financial Industry Regulatory Authority (FINRA), which help ensure fair play and trust in the...