Author: Daniel Shahwan

Budgeting Basics

Budgeting Basics

The mindset of proper budgeting isn’t about magically avoiding debt, but it’s about responsible money management and discipline. Similarly, budgeting is not a sign of defeat nor shame, but it’s a preventative measure against financial distress. The crucial step toward...
Small Business Retirement: Solo 401(k) Plans

Small Business Retirement: Solo 401(k) Plans

For self-employed individuals and their spouses seeking a distinctive approach to retirement planning, the solo 401(k) is a compelling choice. The solo 401(k) allows business owners to seamlessly navigate the roles of both employer and employee, offering a streamlined...
Thinking Ahead: Long-Term Care Options

Thinking Ahead: Long-Term Care Options

While often overlooked, long-term care planning can be among the most crucial elements of a comprehensive financial plan. Exploring the various types of long-term care with a financial planner helps create informed decisions that align with unique needs and...