Financial Advisor Tulsa | Sharp Advice

This content was written for First State Investment Advisors.

To get sound financial advice from a financial advisor Tulsa, schedule an appointment with First State Investment Advisors at or call (918) 492-1361. Your current financial situation will then receive a thorough evaluation by the investment professionals at First State who have over 45 years of experience. A proposal for a comprehensive plan for you will be tailored using this as a basis to secure your long term financial future. The Firm also provides excellent customer service. For a review of your financial assets today, be sure to contact First State Investment Advisors.

The foundation for forming the investment decision making process at First State Investment Advisors is its own unique research department. Methods to collect financial data necessary for stock valuation has been created and is overseen by a Certified Financial Analyst. These methods have been used after careful assessment to predict future prices from a large diversified range of stocks and industries. From these a list of “Gold Chip” stocks is formed and from wince investments can be made. These are high quality stocks that are considered appropriate for inclusion in portfolio of clients. Because the list has significant diversification, it can lead to above average total return on investment as well as lower volatility. Each stock on this select list has a extensive report that is available to clients. You may request a sample report when making an appointment with First State.

The personnel at First State Investment Advisor treat clients the way they deserve and will do the same for you when scheduling an appointment at this financial advisor Tulsa. To schedule your appointment with First State call (918) 492-1361 or got their website at You will be treated with dignity and respect by the Firm’s well trained customer service staff. To create a customized plan that is tailored to meet your financial long term goals is is the aim of First State Investment Advisors.

Business owners can also receive the personal touch at First State Investment Advisors and is not limited to individual investors. First State can recommend and aid in the establishment of tax-exempt employee benefit plans such as 401K Plans, SIMPLE IRAs, Pension Plans and Simplified Employee Pension Plans. The experience has been when a business has these plans is that improve employee morale, loyalty and retention. The Firm’s money managers also are able to evaluate and propose ways to improve their long term prospects for those that are already in place. They can also make recommendations to increase the profitability and positive cash flow of a business if desired.

So schedule an appointment today at First State Investment Advisors at or calling (918) 492-1361 if looking for a financial advisor Tulsa. You will receive the exceptional care at First State you deserve from both investment advisors and customer service personnel in order to attain your financial security.