Financial Advisor Tulsa | Impressive Advice

This content was written for First State Investment Advisors.

Wanting to find a highly respected financial advisor Tulsa? Get in contact with First State Investment Advisors at its website or call a customer service representative at (918) 492-1361. First State has been assessing portfolio investments for over 45 years. The Firm’s money managers are then able to develop and recommend a long term investment strategy to provide for your financial future. The basis for this sound planning is a list of high quality “Gold Chip” stocks with a potential to produce above average price appreciation and dividend yield.

The stocks included on this list are widely diversified and includes several industry sectors. This diversification generates substantial total return on investment with lower volatility. A Certified Financial Analyst heads the research department at First State Investment Advisors and maintains a system using a varied range of predictable methods. These are then used to forecast future prices on these stocks. An extensive report is constantly updated with current data and these are available to clients on request. A sample of these reports can be sent to those interested when they schedule an appointment with First State.

First State Investment Advisors welcomes each client as part of an investment family, unlike many other financial advisor Tulsa. Each employee at First State undergoes a customer service training program to insure clients are given great respect at all times. Clients can be assured of the highest level of custom service along with a comfortable environment that promotes confidence in the investment strategies designed for them at First State.

First State Investment Advisors not gives exceptional advice to individuals, it can do the same for the individual business owner. First State can aid businesses in selecting the best retirement plan that it can provide for employees as an extra benefit. These can include Pension Plans, Simplified Employee Pensions Plans, SIMPLE IRA Plans and 401K Plans. Investment decisions can also be provided by the money managers at the Firm for retirement plans that have also been established. In addition, the experienced financial experts at First State Investment Advisors will be able to suggest ways a business owner can improve operations in order to improve profitability and increase positive cash flow.

Always keep in mind that the client’s best interest is the primary objective for the money managers at First State Investment Advisors. By calling a customer representative today at (918) 492-1361 or going to today, you can schedule a conifidential and comprehensive evaluation of your current financial situation at a financial advisor Tulsa. The suitability of each investment decision make at First State considers a client’s long term financial goals.